Community Wellbeing

Warmly, Us

The series ‘Warmly, Us’ is designed to be a community space to share stories of our everyday lives. These offline, monthly spaces are open to anyone to unwind, peppering the weekend with the possibility of connecting in groups, with your people.  

These meetings are intended to create pauses in the fast-paced city lives, allowing you to nurture community, connect with people, discover the possibility of newness, with a break from your routines. Center to the groups is the ability to reconnect with ourselves, the relationships we’ve held together and built online, the ones we would like to meet sometime, and perhaps, building new relationships through shared experiences.  

Through ‘Warmly, Us’ we hope to discover that we are more connected than we realize. We created these groups to be experiential, centering your experience of feeling heard, shared laughter, quiet reflection, and all that is in between. In addition, we integrate activities that allow you to reminisce, reflect and share. We hope to create memories of having spent an evening feeling a part of something larger, with the comfort of your home, your community, your chosen family, and friends.  

Date: Last Saturday of every month, 4-5.30 p.m. IST

Venue: Bangalore International Centre, Domlur

For mental health professionals

The Collective

The Collective is a peer learning space for mental health professionals which is non-hierarchical and highly collaborative. It is not a workshop or a training session, and learnings are generated majorly through community-based discussions, reflective exercises, and activities. We share resources and information to facilitate the space, but all members are equal stakeholders in upholding the intention of the session, as well as the community.

It is meant to act as a digital hangout café for psychotherapist wherein the discussions are often topical and related to professional practice, but we strive to keep the space dynamic, warm and powered by solidarity.

Bring any questions or thoughts that you are sitting with regarding your client work to the space and discuss freely with your peers to gain answers, insights and newer perspectives!

Date: Second Tuesday of every month, 5.00 – 7.00 p.m. IST

Venue: Online


Sharing Circles

Unconventional Relationships

Love is often in itself daunting, overwhelming and overpowering. Add to that the changing socio-political landscape and cultural as well as familial boundaries and we have the perfect recipe for emotional distress and angst. This sharing circle aims to offers a safe therapeutic space and community for people navigating the challenging landscape of intimate relationships.

We have collaborated with India Love Project to support couples in ‘unconventional’, inter-faith, inter-caste and/ or queer relationships through individual and/ or relationship counseling, support group sessions and topical workshops.

We strive to ensure our interventions are user informed. Your lived experience matters.

Is there a mental health experience that you would like us to hold space for?

Tell Us